Sheet Piling

Sheet piles are sections of sheet materials with interlocking edges that are driven into the ground to provide earth retention and excavation support. Sheet piles are most commonly made of steel, but can also be formed of timber or reinforced concrete.

Sheet piles are installed in sequence to design depth along the planned excavation perimeter or seawall alignment. The interlocked sheet piles form a wall for permanent or temporary lateral earth support with reduced groundwater inflow. Vibratory hammers are typically used to install sheet piles.

Pile Foundation

Piles are structural members that are made of steel, concrete, and/or timber. They are used to build pile foundations, which are deep and the use of piles often is necessary to ensure structural safety. Foundations relying on driven piles often have groups of piles connected by a pile cap (a large concrete block into which the heads of the piles are embedded) to distribute loads which are larger than one pile can bear.Pile foundations are principally used to transfer the loads from superstructures, through weak, compressible strata or water onto stronger, more compact, less compressible and stiffer soil or rock at depth, increasing the effective size of a foundation and resisting horizontal loads.A pile is a column of concrete that extends downward deep into the soil. Piled foundations consist of a number of piles connected by a ring of concrete called a ground beam. The other method requires the drilling of a pile hole in the soil, which is then poured with concrete and reinforced with steel.


Residential construction is the business of building and selling individual and multi-family dwellings. The market fragments into single-unit, manufactured, duplex, quad-plex, and apartments and condominiums. Manufactured housing further divides into mobile homes and pre-built houses. The business varies primarily in the size and scale of the operations. In the simplistic form, a builder buys a piece of land, develops the land by clearing and grading it, and constructing roads, sidewalks, drainage, waste removal, electrical and water supplies. Then the builder offers to build either custom homes or pre-designed homes, or pre-manufactured homes, depending on the market he is attempting to serve. In certain instance the builder may build one or more homes on speculation or "spec" meaning that he builds the home without having a ready buyer on the hope that once the house is built, a buyer will appear.


Commercial construction is the business of building and selling or leasing manufacturing or assembly plants, medical centres, retail shopping centres, and standard space for offices. The business varies primarily in the size and scale of the operations. Typically, the commercial builder either contracts with a company or organization to build the facility or builds the facility on speculation that it can be leased or sold at a later time.

Most commercial construction comes about as a result of a bidding process. An architect's design is let out for bid, competitors submit bids, and the one with the best cost and specification match wins the bid. Usually, but not always, the construction site is already known and secured.


A bridge is a structure built to span physical obstacles without closing the way underneath such as a body of water, valley, or road, for the purpose of providing passage over the obstacle. There are many different designs that each serve a particular purpose and apply to different situations. Designs of bridges vary depending on the function of the bridge, the nature of the terrain where the bridge is constructed and anchored, the material used to make it, and the funds available to build it.

Bridges can be categorized in several different ways. Common categories include the type of structural elements used, by what they carry, whether they are fixed or movable, and by the materials used.


Road construction is perhaps one of man's earliest forms of construction. ... The modern day road is defined as a paved or easily accessible path, made so by the use of modern day road construction equipment such as hydraulic excavators, motor graders, asphalt pavers, wheel loaders and vibratory compactors. Roads that lead into cities and towns can also be referred to as streets, avenues, boulevards, and more. Any route that has a navigable destination can be referred to as a road, including those that are unpaved or dirt.

Today there are 20 million miles (32.3 million km) of roadway in the world. The U.S. holds the record for the highest number of roadways, measuring 3.9 million miles (6.4 million km) combined, as of 2005. The European Union and India follow with 3.3 million miles (5.3 million km) and 2.1 million miles (3.3 million km) of roadway respectively.

Interior Decoration

Interior design is the art and science of enhancing the interior of a building to achieve a healthier and more aesthetically pleasing environment for the people using the space. Interior design is a multifaceted profession that includes conceptual development, space planning, site inspections, programming, research, communicating with the stakeholders of a project, construction management, and execution of the design.

Interior decorating refers to the art and science of making an interior space more aesthetically pleasing and functionally useful for its inhabitants. Interior decorating deals with the look and feel of a room by adding accessories like drapes and rugs; interior designers make the best use of the space.

Electrical installation

An electrical installation is a combination of electrical equipment installed to fulfil a specific purpose and having coordinated characteristics. In dealing with the electrical installation, it is necessary to ensure the safety of personnel as well as the protection of equipment from electrical faults.

Electrical installation deals with assembly of associated electrical equipment for the purpose of distribution and utilization of electrical energy. Electrical equipment is any item for such purposes as generation, conversion, transmission, distribution, or utilization of electric such as machines, transformers and apparatus, measurement instruments, protective devices, wiring materials, accessories, and appliances.

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